Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New camera!

New fancy camera!, originally uploaded by julieverive.

My old Casio was mysteriously broken at the party on Saturday while we were off on a beer run, so it was time for me to pick a new camera.

There were many different cameras in the running, ranging from modestly priced models like this one (the Nikon Coolpix S51 - 8.1 megapixels) up through the Canon G9 (as John calls it, the rockstar of point and shoot cameras - also $465) and since I seem to be a little rough on my cameras, I decided to start off with this one. Plus, it was the only pink camera in the running. :)

This picture is also the last one I was able to get my old Casio to take, as I had to force the lens cover open.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh YAY! New cameras are so exciting. I'm also really glad that picked a bright pink camera, it suits you well.

I hope that it works beautifully for you!

3:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

How funny- we just got a new camera too! The canon we got for our wedding finally died... very sad. We indulged in a totally awesome 12.1 megapixel canon, looking forward to a million baby pictures that we'll force other people to look at.

9:23 AM  

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