What Does It Mean?
The two senior partners at my firm just called me into one of their offices to tell me that they have listed a job posting for an Administrative Assistant. (First they jokingly said that as soon as they have filled that position, I will be fired. Of course my jaw hit the floor and they insisted they were joking......)
The story is, in the nearly six months since I began this job, I have been taking on additional duties, making me a whole lot more than just a receptionist. Since I have been doing so much more, I haven't been able to keep up with all of the filing I am supposed to be doing, and everytime I try to do one of these (more advanced) duties, I am constantly interrupted by phone calls.
So they posted this job online with the intention of finding someone to "help me out with the phones and filing." Basically the crap that I don't have time to do when I am doing my job. (But I'm only really being paid to answer the phone and file...)
That, coupled with the fact that our senior bookkeeper is leaving on Friday makes me wonder what is in store for me...... Perhaps some sort of promotion??
Well, whatever it is, wish me luck!
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