Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It's Been Too Long...

So I go and whine like a big baby, and then I don't blog in HOW LONG?!?!

I'm sorry. I haven't had much to say.

There's actually not much going on.... Work is good, extremely slow this week as the senior partner is out of town.... Life otherwise is also good, but nothing too exciting to report.

The Culinary Realignment (AKA diet) is going along well, with phase 2 (AKA exercise) just about to begin. The Gazelle Edge is on it's way and we should be gliding the pounds away very soon. I've also been walking to the nearby Coffee Bean every day for the past two weeks, which is just over a mile roundtrip.... So I'll be ready for swimsuit weather just in time for.... uh, next summer.

Other than that, there's not a lot new going on. Trying to figure out how to broach the topic of asking for more money at work, but that's never easy, so we'll see what happens... If anyone has any pearls of wisdom on this subject, please feel free to help me out.

Hopefully there will be some real news at some point.....


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