Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Saturday is the Big Day!

Well, not that big, but I am scheduled for an interview for this latest job opportunity on Saturday afternoon. Things like these are weird, I've been working with my boss overall for nearly two years, so he already knows what kind of job I do and what skills I have and my management style, etc..... so an interview at this point seems... well, pointless....

But things are moving... The job closes on the 25th, so I won't know anything official until then I would imagine... It's so weird how this company is so concerned with the proper protocol... but if things are going anything like usual, the decision has already been made and they are just waiting for the proper time to announce it.

So hopefully this time things will be in my favor, and in 3-4 weeks I may be taking the next BIG step in my career at Borders...

The position is the Sales Manager, so I would be in charge of all of the merchandising that happens in the store. I would also be overseeing the cafe (yet again) but on a much higher, don't-have-to-make-lattes-for-idiots level... I would also be second in command in the store, and only a few years away from having my very own store....

So we'll see what happens.... I'm really trying not to get my hopes up...


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