Friday, August 22, 2003

End of an Era

So we finished our epic Dungeons and Dragons game tonight, and I must say it was a blast! My character (a ranged attack-happy Elven Cleric) was able to bask in some glory at the end, and I still can't believe that I started with this character in January-February at level 3, and we ended tonight, 7 months later at level 15....

So that was awesome, and I have to again thank John Peterman for running an excellent game for us... and keeping a somewhat complicated story together and bringing it full circle at the end. Without a doubt, this has been the best gaming experience I have ever had....

So we'll definitely going to have to start a game after we move down... it will be cool to play now that I know what I am doing! Get ready, I'll bring the Clerical skills!!!

(I'm especially good at filing and paper-shredding.......)


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