Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Spaaaaaaaace Channel 5! (part 2)

So I just have to say that Andrew is my hero. Not since June 2000, when the original Space Channel 5 was released for the Dreamcast have I been so excited about a rhythm/dance/music video game. But when Andrew told me at his Gaming Party on Saturday that he had a copy of the fabled sequel, Space Channel 5 part 2 (clever name, eh?) which had never been released in the United States, I was ecstatic!

So I tried to play it yesterday, wading through an incomprehesible storyline confused by purely Japanese dialogue and menus, and failing miserably at new aspects of the game (playing guitar, drums, etc) I got frustrated.... But the game is gloriously beautiful and the music is as funky and cool as ever. And Ulala, man, can she dance!

So I'll be practicing throughout the rest of the week, so that when we see Beau and Mary, I can impress the pants off them. (not literally, of course... :)

And maybe I'll find a useful FAQ that will tell me what the heck is going on...


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